Educational history: MA Advanced Educational Practice
PGCE Drama
BA (Hons) English Literature and Theatre Studies
Current Position: Lead Practitioner in English and Whole School Literacy Co-ordinator
Previous positions held: 2i/c English, Subject leader for English with Havering ITTP.
Experience in education: The primary feature of my current role has been to develop and deliver a vision for whole school literacy in order to improve standards of literacy across the whole school. I have successfully introduced school-wide literacy initiatives such as ‘Drop Everything and Read’, ‘Word of the Week’, the development of subject specific literacy mats and the promotion of reading through the pastoral system, with form tutors delivering a recommended book every week.
I also had significant involvement in the redevelopment of the whole school marking policy, to promote literacy marking and introduce compulsory dedicated improvement and reflection time following teacher assessment.
To develop the skills of low prior attainers, I implemented the Read Write Inc. Fresh Start programme for year 8 students with reading ages below 10, building their abilities and confidence in reading and writing before they reach KS4.
I have also worked collaboratively with the director of STEM on a STEM oracy project, planning the resources and leading the delivery of the project by year 7 and 8 form tutors. This project was designed to improve presentation skills in STEM subjects to ensure that students feel confident in talking about STEM and continue to do so when moving on to further education.
Within the English department, I have collaboratively led the implementation of two new GCSE specifications, with successful results.
CPD delivered: Use of Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time, Drop Everything And Read, Whole school literacy for ITT, ‘Literacy for Life’, Use of whole class feedback.
Specialist interests: Developing students’ vocabulary, creating a reading culture within schools, Embedding literacy skills across the curriculum.