The 6th Form is now full for Year 12 and 13 for September 2016.
If you wish to apply for the 6th Form your application will be placed on the Waiting List.
If a place becomes available, each application will be considered based upon;
- Your GCSE passes meeting our course entry requirements
- The criteria in which you are placed using our whole school admission requirements.
Hello i am intrested in applying for your six form
I am currently at sarah bonnell
Please can you contact me to tell me if there is any more dpaces available
Thank u
We can email you our prospectus if you would like and you are welcome to attend our Open Evening on January 19 2017 No appointment necessary and you can have a look around, meet tutors and see our new 6th Form building. We look forward to seeing you. You can collect a hard copy of our prospectus from next Tuesday, Nov 29.
Hi, I’m interested to study computing in this sixth form, can I apply in the sixth form itsself and be on the waiting list or are there any spaces left now?
Hi. I just wanted to find out when open evening is. Thanks
January 25.
hi I am filling out the 6th form enrollment form and it says payment do we have to pay to come here and how much
If you email k.abraham@stbons.org she will explain. No you so not have to pay to come here but there is a small enrolment one-off fee. She will be able to explain it to you.