Sarah at work in Cambodia
What is LRTT?
LRTT, Limited Resource Teacher Training, is a social enterprise, which has the fundamental belief that good teaching and learning has the potential to be totally transformational. I have been really lucky to have participated in three projects with LRTT in Tanzania, Uganda and last summer in Cambodia. LRTT currently runs programmes in 11 different countries across Asia, Africa and Central/South America.
How does it work?
The LRTT model is based around reciprocal exchange of knowledge and ideas between host teachers and LRTT fellows (qualified teachers from the US, Australia and UK). The programmes which run are between three to four weeks and run through the summer holidays. The programme starts with orientation and initial data collection when LRTT fellows get into the host schools and carry out some preliminary observations and host teachers complete a self-efficacy audit. The fellows then develop some personalised CPD sessions based on the needs which have been identified through the teacher reflections and observations. The CPD is delivered and the fellows visit the schools again to measure the impact. The best part of the programme is the drive for sustainability and the reciprocal nature of it, the development it provides for everyone involved both host teachers and LRTT fellows is significant.
What is a typical day like participating in the project?
It’s usually a pretty early start and a simple breakfast, you then take a tuk-tuk journey to school, do some observations, maybe run a lunch time session around a professional development priority or a coaching session before returning to the hostel to plan and prepare for the next day. The team usually have a meal and socialise together in the evening and there are opportunities to participate in different cultural activities in the evenings and at weekends.
What do you gain from it?
It is an incredible opportunity in the summer holidays to pause and reflect and spend some time seriously considering pedagogy, it allows you to network with a global teachers’ network and talk about fantastic ideas, it challenges you to think about the resources that we use and whether these actually enhance learning experiences. It provides a way to travel in a socially responsible way and to experience new cultures and contexts in a much deeper way. Most excitingly it challenges you to do things you never thought were possible – like address a room of 400 people at an opening ceremony with CEOs, or even just get on an aeroplane on your own for the first time.
Want to find out more?
Contact Sarah via: Sarah.purdue@lrtt.org or via www.lrtt.org