Agnus Dei Teaching School Alliance

Current School: St Bonaventure’s
Current Position: Assistant Headteacher & Director of RE
Previous Positions: Head of Year 11 and Assistant Subject Leader for RE at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School

Andy is an experienced teacher of RE who has held both curriculum and pastoral leadership roles. He has the experience of working in three different schools, in three very different contexts, each for a sustained period of time enabling change and improvement.
He has lead the change of Key Stage 3 curriculum in two schools from ICONS to The Way, The Truth and The Life including the implementation of resources, assessments and levelling. He has also lead the change and implementation of the new Edexcel GCSE and A Level in his current post. As part of this, he has delivered GCSE CPD locally and nationally, and lead working parties for both GCSE and A Level
Metacognition and its implications for planning and assessment are an interest of Andy’s and he has delivered sessions for staff, students and parents on effective revision.
He has devised KS4 Citizenship and PHSE programmes, provided CPD on the role of the form tutor and his resources have been used by a number of ITT providers.
Andy has worked nationally to improve Religious Education with Culham St Gabriel’s, Teach First and the Catholic Education Service. He has worked with local trainee RE teachers on the legal frameworks of RE.
Andy lead the team who organised The London RE Hub in 2015 and 2016, subject knowledge focussed conferences for over 120 RE teachers. He has also been involved in organising TeachMeet London events, some of the largest free CPD conferences held in the U.K.
Andy has spoken at a number of events including Westminster Briefings on behaviour management, the Institute of Ideas ‘Battle of Ideas’ on the value of RE in society and has been invited to present at various other TeachMeets and regional RE training days.
He has published a textbook for the 2016 GCSE Edexcel Religious Studies specification and was involved in a series of Key Stage 3 RE textbooks published in 2017. He is currently writing a GCSE revision guide and editing a new podcast series for GCSE students.
Andy was also nominated for TES Teacher Blogger of the Year in 2016 and frequently tweets and blogs about RE and wider education. Follow on Twitter @andylewis_re or at his blog
Teaching and Learning
Metacognition, effective revision, Hirsch/knowledge rich curriculum, organising teacher-lead CPD and TeachMeets, managing curriculum change, behaviour management, MCQ testing
Religious Education:
Edexcel GCSE Spec A Catholic Christianity, Edexcel A Level Religious Studies, KS3 curriculum
Catholic context:
New to teaching in a Catholic school, Catholic ethos, Catholic leadership, Catholic pastoral leadership