Agnus Dei Teaching School Alliance

Michelle has been working at St. Bonaventure’s since 2005 and has held a variety of curriulum and pastoral posts in that time including: Senior Tutor in the Sixth Form with responsibility for UCAS; Leader of Pupil Progress for Year 7; Curriculum Leader for English, and now an Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for the Sixth Form. She has delivered whole school CPD on a range of curriculum and teaching areas including the DIP, DSEF, Progress 8 Measures and Planning for Curriculum Changes. Michelle has previously delivered training for the SSAT at their Maximising A* training day in London, and she is a Schools Programme Development Partner for the Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI).
She is a Youth Mental Health First Aider (YMHFA); an internationally recognised qualification which teaches people how to give initial mental health care until professional treatment is accessed, she has Level 3 Introductory Skills for Working with Female Survivors of Sexual Violence (Open College Network, London Region) and has undertaken a Human Trafficking Introduction Course with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).