Welcome to the Business Studies Department

As a department we aim to prepare our students for the real world. Our experienced teachers understand that the vast majority of students will either work for a business or own one themselves. To understand how businesses operate both locally and globally and make ethical decisions provides them with a big advantage in progressing in their career.
Our curriculum contextualises learning through the use of real life situations and problem solving scenarios. Our students develop personal qualities and key skills needed in business such as the ability to work effectively in teams, presentation and interview skills and problem-solving. We offer a variety of courses across in Key Stage 4 and 5 In Business Studies to enable every pupil, no matter their background or ability to leave school with an accredited qualification.

Business is Important

The role of business is to make the world a better place for everyone – creating wealth and well-being, prosperity, jobs and choices.

Studying Business at St. Bonaventure’s will equip learners with valuable, transferable skills.  As well as specific subject knowledge learners will practice strategic thinking, teamwork, communication, responsibility, problem solving, confidence and professionalism.  The subject offers a diverse and engaging variety of subjects which focus on contemporary local, national and international businesses.

Your development should be an adventure of discovery, just as ours continues to be. In today’s business world, you need to be an explorer, an originator and an entrepreneur.

Business Studies is one of the schools most popular option subjects at both Key Stage 4 and 5.  We have both a traditional examination route and a vocational strand.   We are a highly successful department with all our courses significantly outperforming national averages for student attainment.



GCSE Business Studies

Currently a very popular option choice at St. Bons at Keystage 4. The examination board is Edexcel.

Students will consider issues concerning the setting up and operation of a business. They will explore the activities of business and the reasons for success or failure. It helps students appreciate that businesses must operate within society and that this involves businesses engaging with a wide range of stakeholders who will hold differing perspectives.  As the courses progresses the focus moves from smaller businesses seeking survival to larger businesses whose focus is on growth.

This course is assessed externally through two examination papers at the end of year 11.

Edexcel GCSE Specifiation

BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise Level 1/2

The BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise has been designed to help KS4 14–16 year– old learners develop their entrepreneurial skills through practical, skills–based learning.  Assessment is through task–based assignments so learners can demonstrate their knowledge and skills in work–related scenarios.   This highly motivating, creative approach to teaching business and enterprise will encourage  students to explore the world of business and what makes or breaks an enterprise.
Designed specifically for schools, BTEC Tech Awards are Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications designed to complement GCSEs and provide a first glimpse into a professional sector. These qualifications assess learners through assignments and tasks rather than traditional exams.


A ‘Level Business Studies

The Business Studies  A’Level develops a wide range of analytical skills which help students better understand the business world.  Extensive use of case studies and excellent course materials will ensure students are well placed to make informed career choices.

This Business Studies A‘Level provides an excellent foundation to move onto a wide variety of university courses as the progression information and alumni demonstrate. Therefore this is an excellent way to keep a wide range of career options open. Many employers look favourably to this qualification as it will mean applicants for their jobs will have a clear understanding of the key issues business have to face.

We follow the new linear A’Level offered by Edexcel. The course is assessed externally through three examination papers at the end of year 13.

Subjects covered include planning and financing a small business, managing a business, strategies for success and the business environment and managing change.

Edexcel Business A’Level Specification


Curriculum Plan for GCSE Business and A-Level Business

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
1:1 1:2 2:1 2:2 3:1 3:2
Year 10 1.1 Entreprise and Entreprenuership 1.2 Spotting a business opportunity 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice 1.4 Making the business effective 1.5 Understanding external influences on business Starting year 11 content 2.1- recall all topics theme 1
Assessment Knowledge test 1.1 Topic test 1.1 & 1.2 Past Paper – Section A Section B extended writing (to cover all topics learnt so far 1.1/1.2/1.3 Section A from past paper to cover all topics taught so far + tutor2u topic test 1.3/1.4 Topic test 1.5 the economy + section A from past paper to cover all content Full paper
Year 11 2.1 – finish off – begin 2.2 Making marketing decisions 2.2/2.3 making operational decisions 2.3/2.4 Making Financial Decisions 2.5 Making human resource decisions Revise Theme 1/2/ Examination Period Examination Period
Assessment Section A theme 1, 2.1 Unit test Section A theme 1 – 2.2/2.3 unit test Section A – Theme 1/2 knowledge questions – Section B 2.4 topic test Full Paper 2 Past Paper revision/ Examination Period Examination Period
Year 12
Theme 1 1.1 Meeting customer needs 1.2 The market 1.3 Marketing mix and strategy 1.4 Managing People 1.5 Entrepreneurs and leaders Introduction to Year 13 content Theme 4
Assessment Knowledge test Practice paper Past Paper covering topics students have covered so far Past Paper covering topics students have covered so far Full Paper
Theme 2 Finance 2.1 2.2 Finance Finish off 2.3, Start 2.4 Resource Management 2.5 External Influences Revision/PPEs Introduction to Year 13 content – Theme 3
Assessment Knowledge test Finance assessment covering all finance topics Past paper covering topics students have covered so far Full Paper Full Paper
Year 13
Theme 3 3.1 – Business Objectives and Strategy 3.2 – Business Growth 3.3 Decision Making Techniques, Begin 3.4 Influences on Business Decisions 3.4 Influence on Business Decisions/ 3.5 Assessing Competitiveness 3.5 Assessing Competitiveness/ 3.6 Managing Change Revision/ Examination period Examination period
Assessment Past paper with one section theme 2 and theme 3 content 3.1 3.2 3.3 Investment appraisal mini assessment, paper paper on all content covered so far for theme 3 PPE exam – year 12/13 content combined Full Paper 2/3 Examination period Examination period
Theme 4 4.1 Globalisation 4.2 Global markets and expansion 4.3 Global Marketing & global industries and companies Theme 3 – Pre-release Examination period Examination period
Assessment  Unit Test 4.1  Practice Paper 1b  Practice Paper 1a Pre-release practice questions Examination period Examination period


BTEC Business Level 3 Extended Diploma

For students who want to make a career in business and who have a real desire to learn and develop the ability to the solve the challenges that any type of business presents. The BTEC course provides an excellent foundation to move onto a wide variety of university courses or workplace apprenticeships.

The BTEC Level 3 extended diploma is equivalent to three A’levels and so our students successfully go on to study degree courses at university or enter business apprenticeships from this course.

Many students apply for university degree courses choosing to study Business & Marketing, Business & Finance or International Business. Students can also progress to an apprenticeship. Alternatively students enter employment in such areas as business management, marketing, finance and business law.

BTEC Level 3 Business Extended Diploma Specification


Useful links