We are delighted to have been extremely popular with students again this year but regretfully we cannot enrol any more students. We apologise if you wanted a place but did not get enrolled. We will announce if any more spaces become available via our online application portal.
On Wednesday, May 15th, the Year 13 students attended their final Leavers Mass at St Antony’s of Padua Church.
The 6th Form staff wish them well in their upcoming examinations and future endeavours.

St Bonaventure’s 6th Form Opening Evening will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2020.
Come along to collect an application form and speak to our Department Heads.

The 6th Form is now full for Year 12 and 13 for September 2016.
If you wish to apply for the 6th Form your application will be placed on the Waiting List.
If a place becomes available, each application will be considered based upon;
- Your GCSE passes meeting our course entry requirements
- The criteria in which you are placed using our whole school admission requirements.