Each year the new school council members decide what roles they will each have.
This year Matteo and Tommy in Year 8 will be letting the wider school community know what your school council is doing.
Keep an eye on this space.
Each year the new school council members decide what roles they will each have.
This year Matteo and Tommy in Year 8 will be letting the wider school community know what your school council is doing.
Keep an eye on this space.
On Wednesday 15th March the whole school took part in Red Wednesday. This was a special day to wear red to recognise that Christians are being persecuted in many countries around the world. The money raised will go to a charity called Aid To The Church in Need.
The school council made sure that everyone in the school knew about this by presenting in every Assembly. On the day, the school council members made sure that the money was collected.
Thanks to Ms Moro in Finance for setting up the ParentPay so the donations could be collected on-line. Thanks to Mrs Gough for organising the envelopes and thanks to Mrs Halliwell for publicising the Mufti Day on Facebook and Twitter.
The day was a great success and lots of boys came into school wearing red.
The message about the charity was understood by the students in the school and we raised a lot of much needed money.
The amount raised for Aid To The Church In Need was;
The School Council are organising a special Mufti Day in Lent to raise money for Aid To The Church In Need.
We will call it
On Wednesday 15th March we are asking that all students come to school in their own clothes and wear one item that is red, to highlight the plight of the Christians around the globe that are being persecuted and killed for their belief in Jesus Christ.
If you come to school on 15th March we are asking for a contribution of between £1 and £5, this can be paid on ParentPay before the Wednesday or a cash contribution on the day.
The School Council thank you for your generosity and ask that you pray for all the Christians that have their lives threatened.
God Bless You
If you want something doing around school, contact your member of the school council.
Just before the February Half Term holiday, some boys raised a problem with the current water fountains. They were working but the flow was slow. Some boys also mentioned that a puddle was forming around the tap to fill up water bottles.
Some boys also mentioned that a puddle was forming around the tap to fill up water bottles, making filling up difficult and inconvenient.
Over the Half Term, our Site Manager Mr Turner employed some contractors to fit a new fountain and to fix the pipe work for the tap.
The water fountain now works very well and the water pipes are emptying into the grid properly.
HOWEVER, empty bottles had to be removed from the pipes and these were blocking it and this was causing most of the flooding that was causing the puddles.
On Tuesday 8th November 2016, the newly-elected Student Council traveled off to Brentwood for the day to build on their leadership skills as Student Councillors, as well as, improving on their figures as Bonaventurians. The students kick-started their day by heading off to the Sion Training Centre, participating in many icebreakers and teambuilding exercises, getting to know one another as a ‘work force’ for the school. Despite the ‘physical’ exercises imposed on them, they seemed to make good use of it by relating it all back to their work as Councillors for St Bons!
After a morning of indoor brain work, the students went off to get some fresh air – and no better place to do it than at the high level air based rope course at Rope Runners, near the renowned Nuclear Bunker! The students were placed at certain levels with a whole load of challenges at their faces.
But, the students did very well to conquer the challenges, as well as all of those that day. So, a big well done to this year’s Student Councillors and a lot is expected of them!
The Student Council join the tributes and services as they also remember the fallen at the Annual Remembrance Service in Central Park. The Student Council left school early in the morning to attend the commemoration service that marked the end to the years of war in 1916.
The students wore their poppies with pride and listened carefully to the readings and poems presented at the ceremony, about the life at the war. Many other primary and secondary schools in Newham attended – despite their faith – to acknowledge the significance of Newham raised soldiers in the fighting.
It was indeed a very solemn, but proud day, both for our fallen and our students…
The School Council in 2015 – 2016 decided that they wanted to look at improving the quality and quantity of food available in the Canteen. Throughout the year they met with Mr Burns, our Business Manager and a consultant that was brought in to assist with the process. Eventually, the catering went out to tender and the School Council decided upon using a company called “Lunch Time”.
In September 2016, the new company took over the catering. The students and staff in the school agree that the choice and quality has improved greatly, as has the size of the portions.
Well done to the School Council – a great Job
Publicity Officers Daniel & Roy meet with Jane Barlow who is the Chief Cook