Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the world around us. This is much more than arithmetic and geometry, mathematics is a diverse discipline that deals with data, measurements, and observations from science. Mathematics teaches inference, deduction, and proof; helping us model natural phenomena, human behaviour and social systems.
‘Mathematics is one of the most essential emanations of the human spirit, a thing to be valued in and for itself like art or poetry.’ Oswald Veblen, 1824
‘Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty.’ Bertrand Russell

Our vision as a Mathematics Department is to ensure that students are:
- Taught the mathematical skills and methods necessary to function as independent members of society;
- Able to read, write and verbalise their Mathematical knowledge to transfer their skills into other subjects;
- Able to enjoy the subject, whilst learning in an environment that is safe, structured and creative;
- Challenged to an appropriate level in order to achieve their full potential.
- Able to demonstrate a deeper understanding of key mathematical skills.

The department teaches the full range of ability for pupils aged 11 to 18. It follows the National Curriculum for Mathematics. The department is strongly in favour of grouping pupils predominantly according to their attainment and ability, but always taking into consideration other academic indicators and their social interaction with other pupils and staff. All students have access to Mr Carter Maths and SPARX online. The department uses SPARX to set homework each week and it is also used as a tool to support students to improve their key areas of weakness as highlighted in their three week assessment. Students are assessed twice each half term on the topics covered during the year. These assessments are synoptic in nature.
Key Stage 3
Pupils are set in two bands of four and three sets that are created on information received from their Primary schools, as well as internal assessments for Years 7 to 9. They receive four lessons of one hour per week. All pupils follow the same scheme of work to enable all to achieve as much as possible whilst securing foundational knowledge, with the expectation that some pupils will look at a topic in more depth.
To help pupils assess their progress, objectives within each unit are split into Emerging (E), Developing (D), Secure (S) and Mastery (M), and pupils have access to Google Forms that they can complete to reflect on their progress in these.
Year 7 Content
Year 7 follows the Ark Mastery programme where the focus is on deeper understanding of key numbers, ratio & proportion, geometry & measures and algebra concepts.
Year 8 Content
Year 8 follows the Ark Mastery programme where the focus is on deeper understanding of key numbers, ratio & proportion, geometry & measures, statistics & probability and algebra concepts.
Year 9 Content
Year 9 follows the Arks mastery programme of study in term 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1. After this Year 9 begin their transition from mastery Maths to GCSE fundamental skills. Year 9 pupils begin to prepare for the GCSE Specification that they will study in year 10. Students focus on mastering key skills numbers and ratio, statistics and probability, algebra and shapes and measures.
Key Stage 4
Years 10 and 11: Pupils are set in two bands of four sets that are created on information from their internal assessments and KS2 entry data. In Year 10, they receive four x 1 hour lessons per week. All pupils follow the EDEXCEL course.
Key Stage 5
Years 12 and 13: The department offers both Maths and Further Maths at KS5. The department also teaches GCSE re-sit courses. All pupils follow the EDEXCEL course. All students studying Maths in Year 12 and 13 are timetabled for 5 hours in lessons. Further Maths is offered to exceptional candidates as an AS qualification in year 12.
The department has full sets of textbooks that are tailored to the needs of the pupils. As well as these, all pupils are encouraged to purchase appropriate workbooks and revision guides.
However, most of the learning can be accessed online. We have found that through online platforms our students are able to progress at their own pace and get immediate feedback on their work.
Useful Key Stage 3 Resources
MyMaths – All pupils should have individual logins and can be set homework by their teachers to be completed on the platform.
ActiveLearn (Year 9 only) – Pupils have access to online versions of a GCSE textbook, and can also be set homework using the platform.
MathsBot – This website has a range of online manipulatives to help pupils understand new concepts by working through concrete and pictoral approaches before moving onto the abstract. It also has plenty of opportunities to practice numeracy or specific topics.
Nrich – Set up by the University of Cambridge, nrich provides a range of rich tasks and games that can be browsed by topic or theme, including regular puzzles for people to send in their answers to.
Dr. Frost’s Timestables Practice – Pupils can practice individual times tables or test themselves in a timed session
UKMT Past Papers – A selection of questions from past papers of the UKMT Tests, which can provide good challenges to eager young mathematicians.
Useful Key Stage 4 Resources
Students in Years 9 – 11 have full access to Pearson Active Learn, My Maths, Mr Carter Maths, Sparx Maths and an array of websites mentioned below. Year 11 students have the additional privilege of being able to access the PiXL app that is more tailored to their individual needs.
Useful Key Stage 5 Resources
Students in Years 12 – 13 have access to Pearson Active Learn, My Maths, Physics and Maths Tutor as well an other relevant websites.
Extra Curricular Activities and Support

- After school revision for Year 12 and Year 13 pupils
- After school revision for Year 10/11 pupils
- Lunch time booster for Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils
- One-to-One lessons for underachieving pupils where appropriate
- Extra homework set on Hegarty Maths at the end of each half term
The department takes part in Project Based Learning at the end of the year for year 7 and 8, STEM competition and Skills Days, and Gifted and Talented Competitions:
- UKMT Maths Challenge
- East London Maths Challenge
- KS4/5 Masterclass at King’s College
- STEM activities and competition such as Cipher Challenge
- Count On Us Maths competition
- MoneyWise Challenge
- Numeracy trips abroad
- Museum Numeracy visit
- Bletchley Park