Our Art Department is very highly regarded and last year our results were rated the best in the country in the 2015 ALPS scores.

We enjoy a fantastic reputation for the quality of our teaching  and our students really progress and develop their artistic skills under the guidance of caring, inspirational staff.

For this year’s GCSE examinations, our Year 11 students have been studying  Oswaldo Guayasamin. Here is a piece written by one of our students, Alton Mathew – Moghan:

“For our Art exam, the ‘Past, Present and Future’ theme inspired us to investigate the art that has come about in response to War and Conflict. Our class chose one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century in South America; a powerful humanitarian and an inspiring artist – Oswaldo Guayasamin. 

“His stylistic and almost cubist approach to document the wars of modern era exudes the importance of relationships as a source for comfort. The slender fingers wrapped around faces and bodies and the highly dramatic faces of mothers and children, convey the horrors of war. His focus on the injustice of society is reinforced by the large black backgrounds which draw you into a vastness, depicting dark and sombre world which is rife with cruelty.

“Guayasamin is a truly great artist who opened the door to mankind’s darkest and most heart-rending moments, and asserted our need for solidarity and love.”

On that theme, here is something Dogan has been working on:

Dogan Akpinar


This next piece is by Domas:

Domas Klinga


This is by Hendrix:

Hendrix Miayoukou



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