Just a reminder that the deadline is looming for you to bring in food items to go to The London Catholic Worker organisation.
The organisation have their headquarters in Harringay’s Giuseppe Conlon House and do excellent work feeding needy people who are homeless or are seeking asylum.
All term, kind-hearted students have been busy bringing in items of food and toiletries after an appeal was launched back in September. The response has been overwhelming with tins, packets and jars filling collection boxes day by day.
This is a final call for students to bring in items such as rice, couscous,lentils, chick peas, cooking oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, tinned fish, chopped tomatoes, sugar, nuts, coffee, muesli, peanut butter, loo roll, liquid soap and deodorant. Tinned soup, spaghetti and baked beans should be avoided as they want ingredients that can make group meals as opposed to individual meals.
Any donations should be taken to Mrs Turner’s room, The Lost Property Office, by Friday morning, October 21.
The minibus will be loaded up with items and taken to Giuseppe Conlon House.
Assistant Head, Mr Lewis who is also the Director Religious Studies at St Boanventure’s went on to say: “The students and their families have really pulled together and helped us on this one. Their generosity has been amazing and they understand by donating even a few small items really can make a difference to those most in need. It’s heartwarming to see Catholic Social Teaching in action.”