We usually pride ourselves here in St Bonaventure’s on our students being very quiet in their lessons but not so today, April 19, when a drumming workshop was scheduled for a music lesson with a difference.

The musicians were treated to a very special lesson by Liz Walters, an experienced and professional Japanese Taiko teacher and got involved in the fun, noisy sessions.

The students learned about Japan and its culture.  Taiko is an ancient art that has a mythical origin in Japanese folklore. Archaeological evidence shows Taiko drums were in use as early as the 6th Century AD. The function has varied through history ranging from communication, military action, theatrical accompaniment and religious ceremony.

Music teacher, John Thompson, added: “The workshop had a very positive impact on the boys. They loved learning new skills and hearing all about the importance Taiko drums have in Japanese culture. It was a very rewarding experience and took to it very well. I was really impressed.”



drums johnandliz



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