St Bonaventure’s school was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. It is steeped in Christian principles and enriched by the cultural and religious diversity of its environment. We endeavour to be a community where each individual can grow spiritually, academically and socially while at all times serving as a witness to the Catholic faith.
We aim to:
- Enrich pupil’s understanding of the Roman Catholic faith and to cultivate respect and understanding for other religious traditions. Prayer and Worship is central to school life.
- Create an environment that is warm and welcoming, well-ordered and disciplined, reflecting the mutual trust and respect between staff and pupils where each person is recognised as an individual, valued and enabled to fulfill their potential to the highest possible standard.
- Provide a full and comprehensive curriculum for all students to enable them to develop their full potential in all areas of school life – spiritual, intellectual, physical, creative, moral and social.
- Promote a spirit of collaboration and co-operation. We recognise that all staff have a contribution to make to our school. All teachers and non-teachers must be valued and treated with respect.
- Reflect the principles of equal opportunity for all in our structures, curriculum, values and policies.
As an institute of Catholic education, St. Bonaventure’s is rooted in the Gospel values of respect for life, love, solidarity, holiness and learning and we endeavour to harmonise faith and culture, build a better society and pursue the Common Good by:
- Fostering links with our local community, parents, parish and industry in order to prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of adult life.
- Recognising the effort, personal development, academic achievements and pupil’s contribution to the school and community life.
- Preparing and enable our pupils to meet and gain from the opportunities, responsibilities and challenges in an ever changing secular society.
The Virtues of St Bonaventure’s
We believe that through the first 5 years in St Bonaventure’s you will learn, grow and be able to live out the virtues of St Bonaventure’s and proudly call yourself a Bonaventurian for life.
The are our 7 virtues:
- FAITH – a life rooted in and guided by God’s love
- HOPE – a vision for a better self, and better world
- CHARITY – a selfless love and kindness towards all others
- INTEGRITY – a firm understanding of what is right, and communicating it to others
- COURAGE – a strength to confront fear and failure, and never give up
- HUMILITY – a service to God and others, without concern for rank or status
- KINSHIP – a community of brothers and sisters in Christ and solidarity with all