The Agnus Dei Teaching School Alliance, based at St Bonaventure’s School in Newham, is running a TSST (Teacher Subject Specialist Training) course in MFL this coming academic year.
The course is run by Susan Prichard, an experienced MFL teacher, Lead Practitioner and SLE with input from lecturers from Goldsmiths University. She has run the course for 3 years earning a regional reputation for the input, guidance and support provided.
The training is suitable for the following:
- MFL teachers wanting to improve their second language
- Teachers of other subjects who can speak French, German or Spanish and are interested in teaching MFL in the future.
- Primary teachers considering a move into secondary MFL
- Teachers returning to teaching after a break.
The course is FREE and includes the following:
- 3 full day sessions across the year with a focus on language teaching methodology and with opportunities to use and practise your TSST language: 27th November 2019, 27th January 2020 and 24 March 2020.
- A one year subscription for Rosetta Stone to enable participants to improve their language skills.
- A contribution towards the cost of cover for those working in a school.
We have received excellent feedback from previous participants. Practising MFL teachers not only improved their second language, but said the course was excellent CPD in itself. Those returning to teaching updated their skills and regained their confidence in the classroom.
- “The course has given me lots of useful ideas for lesson starters, reading and listening activities, also how to teach grammar and new vocab”
- “It has reminded me that another way of teaching is possible, one in which the children and their skills are at the core of every decision and everything is made interesting, relevant, challenging and enjoyable”
- “Totally made me rethink my approach to teaching and facilitated me access to some interviews”
- “We have been able to bring in teaching techniques and TL focus teaching back to our schools. It’s had a huge impact.”
- “My subject knowledge has improved a great deal, giving me more confidence in the classroom”
If you would like more information or to register an interest in this programme please contact agnusdei@stbons.org. Further details can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/teacher-subject-specialism-training-courses
If you are ready to apply, please complete the form here: http://www.stbons.org/register-for-training/ and put TSST as the Training Session. We will need your Date of Birth and your Teacher Reference Number (TRN) or or Return To Teaching (RTT) number.