School is open again today, March 2, albeit with a slightly later start at 9,45am to allow some staff and students extra time for their journey.
Can you please ensure that your child has a decent coat on today. A black or dark coloured coat preferably but no light colours or green parkas.
Many students had really inappropriate coats yesterday.If he hasn’t got one, you need to think about a school coat.They are warm, waterproof and relatively cheap.
Some boys had only a hoodie or tracksuit jacket – not warm, not waterproof and no good. These are not outerwear and do not keep out the damp weather.
Likewise they should wear gloves and a hat in this weather.
As you know, we are strict and have high standards but we will not confiscate unauthorised hats and coats at the moment. But you really should have the school uniform.
It is never a surprise that the weather gets cold in winter.It happens every year.
School hats are £3.50 from Reception.