210 excited Year 6 boys joined us today for their first taste of big school as they gathered on the Friary Lawn to find out what Form class they were being put in.
Boys from Newham schools and beyond stood in line after collecting their name badges and meeting their new teacher.
They were very well behaved and impressed staff with their attitude.
Afterwards they went to Cardinal Manning Hall where Mr Halliwell and Mr Bastian spoke to them along with our Headboy, Samuel.
They were then taken to their new Form rooms where they heard about the school rules and learned the school prayer.
After lunch the boys will go to a variety of lessons and mass in St Antony’s Church.
Mr Bastian added: “At the start of the day the boys were quiet but as the day wore on you could see the ice starting to melt as they became more chatty and comfortable as they settled into their new surroundings. I’m sure lots of new friendships will be made today that will last for many years. When they start school on September 4 they will feel more comfortable having already met their new teacher and made friends and ready to start the next part of their education.”
Here are some photos from this morning.