Thirty Year 8 boys visited the London Transport Museum’s Depot at Acton for a Transport For London (TFL) Inspire Engineering day recently

The aim of the day was to increase the awareness and understanding of engineering as a career as well as motivating the students to study the STEM subjects, Science Technology Art and Maths.

Our students built their own train track as part of a problem solving and team building exercise and made full use of the machinery at the museum.

The boys got the chance to interview project and civil engineers about their jobs and completed a project and will receive STEM CREST Discovery awards and certificates.

Chris Jarvis, our Careers Advisor, and Miss Larkin went with the students and said that the day was a great success. The feedback was excellent with one student commenting: “Even a few engineers can make a difference to millions of people’s lives.Another said: “I enjoyed learning how engineers make London a better place and that it’s the engineers’s ideas that keeps London moving. They are real problem solvers.”

Our boys impressed bosses at TFL also who reckoned our Year 8s were a credit to the school adding: “One of our engineers couldn’t believe they were so young and said he thought that their questions were of a level you’d expect from much older final year GCSE students.”




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