Dear Parent/Carers,
Thank you for choosing St Bonaventure’s as your son’s preferred secondary school.
I hope you have received our email communications regarding transition and visited our school website to look at the welcome videos and fun activities.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming your son into Year 7 in September. We have a very experienced pastoral team leading Year 7 in the form of Mr Robinson as Year Leader and Ms O’Neill as Assistant Year Leader. Alongside them are the form tutors all of which have posted a video on the website. We are placing boys into form groups in the coming weeks and will notify you when done.
As you can appreciate government guidance regarding expectations of schools policies in response to COVID 19 is changing almost on a weekly basis. However, what I can assure you is that we are taking a very cautious approach to the reopening of our school which has the safety of our students and staff at the very centre of all we do. We have planned the start of our school year to accommodate the fact that many students may not have experienced a full school day for some time. So therefore we wish to build up gradually.
Wednesday 2nd September – 8.30am to 12.25pm
Please arrive promptly at 8.30am at the main school gate in full school uniform. This will be a Year 7 day only. No other pupils will be in school. The boys will be introduced to form teachers, get to know their peer group and start to make friends. There will be a tour of the school and some fun activities. Boys will be dismissed promptly at 12.25pm. There will be no school lunch provided.
Thursday 3rd September – 8.30 am to 12.25pm
Please arrive promptly at 8.30am at the main school gate in full school uniform. This will be a Year 7 day only. No other pupils will be in school during this morning session. However other year groups will be arriving from 12.45pm. The boys will start core lessons as per their timetable which could be a combination of English, Maths and Science. Boys will be dismissed promptly at 12.25pm. There will be no school lunch provided.
Friday 4th September – 8.30 am to 14.55pm
This will be a normal school day with all Key Stage 3+4 pupils in school following their timetables.
Many questions that you may have regarding school life at St Bonaventure’s are likely to be answered by visiting the transition page of our website. So I would urge you to have a good look at that with your son.
If you are concerned about the transition process and would like to have a conversation with me about your son then please email me at j.ward@stbons.org
Kind regards,
Jim Ward
Assistant Head Teacher Key Stage 3
Transition Coordinator