Three Year 10 young scientists from St Bonaventure’s found out this week that they have been allocated a place on the prestigious STEM Potential programme.
Chibuike Agu, Kairon Concepcion and Gabriel Akinsanya who are all 14 are all currently studying for the triple science award in their GCSE examinations. Their science teacher, Dr Naheed Alizadeh, helped them apply for the programme and they are all invited to attend a special launch event at Imperial College London on November 29 when they will find out more about what’s expected of them and the many workshops they will be attending.
Dr Alizadeh went on to explain: “The first workshop is scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 2, at the South Kensington campus and already the boys have said they are excited and really looking forward to expanding their knowledge.” She added: “They are all very enthusiastic and have shown a love of science and technology and I know they will thrive on this two year programme.”
Imperial College’s STEM Potential supports up to 90 students in their Key Stage 4 and 5 studies via lectures, subject-specific workshops and a summer school for Year 10 students.
All three St Bon’s students hope to follow careers in the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and will attend university experience taster days and they will gain a better understanding of subjects they may wish to study at A-level.
HeadTeacher at St Bonaventure’s, Paul Halliwell added: “To have three of our boys get on to this programme is marvellous as I know how incredibly difficult it is but they must have impressed the panel and I’m grateful to Dr Alizadeh for supporting them throughout.”